Cookie Policy

Extended information on cookies

Erilon S.r.l. with registered office in Via Spartaco, 46 ​​- 24043 CARAVAGGIO (BG) Italy – in the person of its legal representative pro tempore – Data controller pursuant to art. 28 of Legislative Decree 196/2003, provides you with the following information regarding the cookies installed on this website.

What are cookies

Cookies are data created by a server that are stored in text files on the computer’s hard disk or on any device used by the user to access the Internet (smartphone, tablet) and allow the collection of information on the navigation performed by the user on the website and are re-transmitted on subsequent visits.

Cookies are used for different purposes, have different characteristics, and can be used both by the owner of the site you are visiting and by third parties.

Cookies can be stored permanently on your computer and have a variable duration (c.d. persistent cookies), but they can also disappear when the browser is closed or have a limited duration (so-called session cookies).

Cookies can be installed from the site you are visiting (c.d. first-party cookies) or they can be installed by other websites (c.d. third-party cookies).

Below you will find all the information on the cookies installed through this site, and the necessary information on how to manage your preferences regarding them.

Cookies used by this site

The use of cookies by the owner of this site, Erilon S.r.l. with registered office in Via Spartaco, 46 ​​- 24043 CARAVAGGIO (BG) Italy – in the person of its legal representative pro tempore – is part of the Privacy Policy of the same; for all the information required by art. 13 Privacy Code click here.

Technical cookies that do not require consent:
The following cookies are used for activities strictly necessary for the site to function and for providing the service:

[session id] Until leaving the site ID Used to indicate the current site visit session.
jfcookie [lang] 1 Day
Used to keep track of the language chosen by the user
The following statistical cookies are used directly by the site manager to collect information in aggregate form:

__utma, _ga 2 years Performing Site access controls for Google Analytics statistic purposes
__utmz 6 months Performing
__utmb, __utmt, _gat 1 day Performing
__utmc Duration of the session Performing
All technical cookies do not require consent, so they are automatically installed following access to the site.

2. Cookies for which consent is required

All cookies other than the technical ones indicated above are installed or activated only following the user’s express consent the first time they visit the site. Consent can be expressed in a general way, interacting with the brief information banner present on the site landing page, according to the methods indicated in this banner (by clicking on the OK button or on the X button; or continuing navigation, even with the scroll or through a link); or it can be provided or denied selectively, according to the methods indicated below. This consent is kept track of during subsequent visits. However, the user always has the possibility to revoke the consent already expressed, in whole or in part.

a) Advertising profiling cookies managed directly by the site owner: no cookies of this type are used.
b) Cookies managed by third parties: no cookies of this type are used.
Remember that you can also manage your cookie preferences through the browser

If you do not know the type and version of browser you are using, click on “Help ??? in the browser window at the top, from which you can access all the necessary information.

If you know your browser, click on the one you are using to access the cookie management page.

Internet Explorer

Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox


For more information, visit

Date 18.10.2019